
“From now on, you need never await temporal attestation to your thought. You think the truth. You do not have the right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to you. You belong to the Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others.” Buckminster Fuller

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Fancy Enriching Your Spiritual Sessions

February 5, 2025 Important Factors that Enrich Your Spiritual Sessions Hello More people are becoming interested in spiritual development than ever before. A search on any popular search engine will return millions of results for tips, tricks and hacks to improve meditation, mindfulness, or manifesting practices. Despite trying to satisfy the increased demand, good quality structured content is still hard to find; a content creator’s good intentions does not guarantee good guidance. The...

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February 5, 2025 To Do or Not To Do Hello Reader Putting pen to paper to write this article took a while. Composing that opening sentence, choosing the words to include or omit, that would create a profound idea on par with “In the beginning,” was as difficult as climbing a rock face without any safety gear. Supposedly. I could not start without conveying the perfect image, but I couldn’t find the words to pen the perfect sentence to describe the perfect image. The opening sentence kept...

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Hi Reader, Just to let you know that I have added more content to the site. This article is a bit out there, in some people's eyes, but it begs the question: If the universe were a simulation, and you had the ability to program it, what software would you run? Our culture is bang in the middle of the self-improvement and self-actualisation era. Everywhere we turn, someone, including me, is telling us that we can change our reality. If you happen to be lucky enough to remember the good days of...